Whether it’s reducing the cost of a traffic ticket, determining the best course of action to take to ensure minimal MVR damage or simply being there to answer questions and offer advice, Our local provider attorney network is ready to go to bat for you in the original citation jurisdiction.

Moving Traffic Violations

If you are driving your covered auto, our provider attorney will represent you in the court of original jurisdiction for noncriminal, non-commercial covered moving violations.*

  • Speeding

  • Failure to Yield

  • Cell Phone Violations

  • Failure to Stop

Serious Accident Representation

If you are driving your covered auto, we will pay a provider attorney up to $2,000 to defend you against non-commercial covered charges

  • Auto Manslaughter

  • Auto Assault and Battery

  • Vehicular Homicide

  • Involuntary Manslaughter

We will cover 100% of your legal defense when, as the result of a traffic accident, a member is charged with any of the criminal offenses listed below.

Members are responsible for fines and court costs. NOT applicable when charged with any drug or alcohol-related matter; driving without a valid operator’s permit, license or tag; a felony; leaving the scene; past-due citations; parking or environmental charges; appeals or warrants.

Damage Collection

If your auto sustains damage as the result of an automobile accident, we will pay up to $500 to retain an attorney to
assist in the collection for such damages.**

Personal Injuries

If you receive personal injuries while driving or riding in an auto or as a result of being struck by an auto while walking,
we will pay up to $500 to retain an attorney to assist in the collection of compensation for the personal injuries.**


For other legal matters, your membership covers you with a 25% discount off the provider attorney’s normal hourly rate.
Your provider attorney may require a retainer fee before beginning work on your case. 


This discount includes but is not limited to: simple wills, trusts, divorce, incorporation, bankruptcy, immigration, child support, child custody and all other personal matters.

How it Works

  • Contact ACA with details of your legal matter. This will enable us to properly refer an attorney.

  • We will connect you with a provider attorney with experience regarding your legal matter.

  • You will agree with him or her on a fee at 25% off their normal rate. You are responsible for maintaining contact with your attorney and providing the necessary information required to successfully complete your case.

*See service contract for details.
**Accident must be reported to the state or local police and a copy of the officer’s report must be submitted with your claim.